Know what caused that Acne on your Skin

Each one of us at some point of time in our life has to deal with Acne issues like spots, zits, pimples. But have you ever wondered, what led that tiny eruption on your skin? The moment we discover it, all we do is look out for ways and means to control or get rid of those pesky pimples. We try out different methods right from medications to creams to innovative home remedies. Your skin has minute pigpens, which can become impassable by bacteria, dirt, oil and dead skin cells. When this ensues, in this process one may develop a pimple. But when our skin is recurrently affected by this condition, you tend to develop acne issues.

Among the other reasons one of the most primary reason for the cause of acneis one’s fluctuating hormones, especially for women before their menstrual cycle. The androgen responsible for it is testosterone, which both men and women produce. Testosterone in the bloodstream upsurges sebum, that is, the skin oil creation. This frequently posteriors its foul head in the form of painful cystic acne around the chin, neck, and back.

Increasing level of stress is another influential reason and source for hormonal changes. When a person is stressed the adrenal gland makes the stress hormone cortisol and puts it out the body to help the body deal with stress. During this process, a tiny bit of testosterone leaks out with it, this can drive the oil glands to produce more oil.

Living in a city may although be a advantage for us in many ways but for our skin it is really not a good sign. Air pollution just adds another layer to our less maintained and unprotected skin.  You may notice your skin padded with a layer of dust by the time you reach home. This leads to accumulation of germs resulting in acne on your skin. You are prone to breakout if you have a skin which is oily or combination skin. Facing your face frequently or over-washing can worsen the acne on your face. Cleansing more than twice a day is too much, and can just dehydrate skin, which can cause to generate more oil to overcompensate.

Most of the times what we eat also matters as junk food and other oily foods like fried foods, chocolate,  caffeine and in some cases dairy products can allegedly cause acne. Iodine causes acne in everyone if you eat enough. The different between iodine and those other “acne-causing foods” is that iodine builds up over weeks and months before it starts to affect skin.

Another probable skin damaging food is sugar because it increases the level of insulin in your body. As the study proves that insulin may enhance oil-triggering male hormones. Complex carbs like whole grains breaks down the level of insulin and is more beneficial not only for healthy skin but healthy lifestyle. Food with more water content helps to hydrate the skin while their vitamins and minerals give your body the ammunition it needs to fight pimples.

Overall to maintain a healthy lifestyle it is good if you include daily exercise in your routine and keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water. It enables in flushing out the harmful toxins out of the system averting all the future skin problems.

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