
Freckles are a cluster of small brownish or reddish colored spots on the skin, which appears more on the neck, face, arms, chest, and even back. Ideally, the development of melanin under the skin leads to the appearance of freckles on the body. It is the excessive exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays that leads to the generation of melanin. As soon as the freckles start appearing on your skin, it is time to consult a dermatologist. The reason is that they come-up with dermatological treatments to get rid of freckles. Besides exposure to sunlight, freckles may be the result of genetic problems, including constant development of melanin under the skin.

There are two types of freckles named solar lentigines and ephelides. In this, the first one is marked dark patches of skin that develop at the time of adulthood. On the other hand, the second one is defined by dark patches or discoloration occurring at any point of time in the life. Both of them differ a lot in terms of development because solar one encompasses aging spots and sunspots too. In this matter, an experienced dermatologist will be your rescue ranger, who tends to discuss the problem in detail. Further to this, suitable treatments are recommended like laser, cryotherapy, topical fading cream, chemical peel, and natural remedies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Though, it is not dangerous sat all; still, people having freckles should be more protective towards sunlight.

Freckles appear as a flat, discoloured patches occurring over a large part of the body. What makes it identified is the appearance in clusters.

Wearing water-resistant sunscreen lotion, averting tanning beds, avoiding sunlight, and covering head as well as arms are some of the wars to prevent freckles in the best possible way.

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