Acne Scarring

Acne Scars have the tendency to affect your appearance, which necessitates for laser skin treatment. A clear skin is a boon for every woman. Isn’t it? The aim is to diminish the presence of scars from older acne outbursts. This treatment involves focusing light on the upper layers of your skin to break the scar tissue. Along with this, the treatment boosts the growth of new, healthy skin cells for replacing the older scar tissues. Though there is a possibility that this treatment might not eliminate acne scars, it can decrease their occurrence, and reduce caused by them.

As a part of the treatment process, light therapy is used to remove the outer layer of the skin and cover up damaged skin cells with the new ones. An added advantage of using such a treatment can help in the reduction of skin wrinkles, warts, scars, age spots, and keloids. This, particular, process requires topical anesthesia to numb the area that needs to be treated.  And of course, you do not have to get admitted to the hospital for a long time. It is an outpatient procedure, which gets performed by an experienced and certified dermatologist.


Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of laser treatment for acne scars depends on the severity of the problem; the treatment is applied by the dermatologist.

As a part of the laser treatment for scars, the dermatologist would move a laser wand over the affected area repeatedly. This helps in removing damaged skin, and reduces scars.

Like other treatments, this one has its mild side-effects like redness, swelling, and pain in the treated area. But, these effects would not stay long at all.

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