Author page: U-wah Solution

Excessive sweating and Botulinum Toxin

Excessive sweating and Botulinum Toxin

It is common and also completely normal to sweat unless you are sweating more than one should. Hyperhidrosis is when your body sweats excessively abnormally for no apparent reason. With hyperhidrosis, your body’s sweat glands overact causing you to sweat a lot at any time, at any place. Often caused by a medical condition or anxiety, this excessive sweating can…

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Retinol and Skin Care

Retinol and Skin Care

Our skin, being the largest organ in our body, is constantly exposed to the sun and pollutants present in our environment. Apart from looking good, a healthy skin Is important for you to feel good cause once the damage is done, it is hard to reverse it and this is why we need a good skin-care routine. Having a good…

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