
Questions that you must ask your Dermatologist before undergoing Botox treatment

Questions that you must ask your Dermatologist before undergoing Botox treatment

In this fast-paced, stressful life, fast ageing is a given. India is slowly warming up to the idea of using Botox. People have realised that it is no longer limited to celebrities and the affluent class. Everyone, from a homemaker who faces issues of wrinkles to an entrepreneur representing a company, are willing to spend on Botox treatment to reduce…

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Wonders of Laser Hair Removal

Wonders of Laser Hair Removal

Unduegrowth of hair at undesirable places has always been aconcern for both men and women. Peopleexpend a significant amount of money and dedicate a substantial amount of time to get rid ofthat hair from our arms and legs and different body parts. Shaving, waxing, depilatories and electrolysis are all traditional methods of hair removal which are time-consuming, excruciating and costly.…

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