Tips to Protect your Skin this SUMMER!

In today’s world, the focus is more on prevention than on being cured for. When it comes to our skin it becomes essential for us to prevent our skin from all kinds of harms of the day, especially with the arrival of summer.  Your skin can be easily be damaged by the heat and tan of the season. Most of us spend a lot of money buying the best cosmetic products to keep it healthy and more importantly to save our skin from all kinds of tanning and heat burns. But the irony here lies is that most of the cosmetic products give us a temporary satisfactory solution, while on the other hand in long term our skin loses its original texture, diluting in those chemical used in those products. Below are some easy tips for you to save you skin this summer:

Save yourself from being exposed to ultraviolet rays:

But if you are too lazy to explore your kitchen and do all that hard work of getting your skin packed and remaining frozen with the pack for hours then you have to avoid yourself from being exposed to ultraviolet rays.

-Buy an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) shirt that will block out the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays and protect your skin from being damaged. A UPF of 40 to 50 blocks about 98% of the sun’s rays.

-Check out for a good regular sunscreen lotion that will suit your skin and not according to the opinions of your pals.  Make sure that the Sunscreen lotion which you buy is suitable from all varied age groups from kids, young to old.

-If you haven’t tried the option of Spray-on sunscreens then probably you should. It is easy to apply as it is lightweight and gets dried out quickly without leaving any greasiness on your skin.

Give your skin the needed nutrition:

Protecting your skin from tan and heat is just an external factor but also depends on how much your skin is nourished internally.

-One of the best elixir for your skin is water. Drink adequate amount of water for the day as it helps to flush out toxins of your body and helping your skin cells to combat all kinds of skin disorders enabling your skin to remain healthy and glowing.

-Drinking Green tea is a good solution as the polyphenols in it helps to defuse harmful free radicals. It has anti-aging and antioxidant aids that can assist stoppage of skin aging, such as sagging skin, sun damage, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles.

-Add to your diets more of water soluble fruits and vegetables, which is also a great source of anti-oxidant for your skin.

-Include diets that contain antioxidants like Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin B that slows the rate of free radical damage.

Add Resveratrol to your diet:

Resveratrol is an antimicrobial substance formed by plants in response to stress, infection or strong UV radiation. It has curative uses in age related cognitive dysfunction and skin rejuvenation and also kindles the growth of nerves. It has been demonstrated that it lessens the formation of free radicals that are destructive for our health and it also aids in restricting the growth of skin cancer tumors.

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