
How embarrassing it feels scratching your head in the presence of others? Dandruff is one such problem that develops an excessive amount of itching. Certainly, this condition leads to flaking of dry skin pieces from the scalp. It is a common dermal problem, which has the tendency to affect Seborrheic sections of the body. The reason for its occurrence in children is the building-up of dead skin cells in the scalp of the child. In relation to dandruff, there is a common belief that it occurs because of poor hygiene among children. It should, also, be noted that infrequent shampooing of the child’s hair will lead to the emergence of dandruff too.

As dandruff is restricted to the scalp and makes it itchy, there are specialized treatments required for the children. The reason behind this is their soft skin, which may not bear harsh treatments in any case. Dandruff may appear like a cradle cap, which is seen as a light yellow and oily crust on the scalp of babies. This might make the scalp more visible. When it comes to the matter of treatments, using medicated shampoos on kids is highly recommended. Some of them can be Ketoconazole, Selsun Shampoo, and even T-Gel Shampoo. These shampoos should always be applied to the recommendation of a dermatologist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Though dandruff may cause extensive itching in kids; but, it is not contagious in any way. Any kid having dandruff can interact with other children or adults without worrying about the transmission of dandruff

Though, cradle cap is also a type of infantile seborrheic dermatitis; but, the difference lies in the fact that dandruff can occur at any age, and cradle cap occurs in the scalp of kids between 0 to 3 months only

Some of the prominent causes of dandruff in babies are fungal growth, shampooing more than needed, unhygienic hair, skin conditions like psoriasis, lack of humidity, and excessively oily scalp

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