Lichen Planus

Being benign, Lichen planus is intended to affect the nails, skin, and mouth. What makes it wonderful is that the disease is not contagious at all. Now that sounds like welcome news? Another relaxing aspect of the disease is it cannot be transmitted to anyone or inherited in any way. Lichen planus is a provocative disease that does not have any specific cause. One can see various cases of lichen planus-type rashes arising as an allergy to medications for heart disease, high blood pressure, and even arthritis. Certainly, this disease requires proper dermatological counseling to get rid of. For a preventive measure, identify the medicine as a part of an allergic reaction will help in avoiding the disease as much as possible.

Specified people with lichen planus might get infected with Hepatitis, which requires a dermatologist to react immediately for the treatment. One thing to note is that lichen planus affects men as well as women, and occurs in middle-aged adults. However, linear lichen planus is quite common in children as compared to adults, which signifies the prominence of methodical investigation for ruling out other dermatoses. In this case, it is always better to go for an experienced dermatologist having experience in handling severest of cases. Moreover, there is no specific cure for lichen planus. So, it is the combination of systematic or topical therapies with medications that may keep things under control.


Frequently Asked Questions

The first option of treatment for lichen planus is a prescribed corticosteroid cream. If it is not working effectively, or the condition worsens; it is time to go for an experienced pediatric dermatologist without a doubt.

Certainly, lichen planus is not infectious at all. In the case of severity, this disease occurs with other autoimmune disorders, and not serious. Though, some rare variations of the disease might be quite painful

Generally, lichen planus occurring over the skin clears of within 6 to 9 months, or at the most 18 months.

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