Diaper rash

Toddlers have softer skin, which needs extensive care. Isn’t that right? If they get any kind of rash; it becomes really itchy for them. And this leads to irritable nature as well as crying. No one wants their kid to cry at all. Sounds justified? Diaper rash is one of the most common dermal problems found in children as their skin is delicate and prone to rashes. It is caused because of friction and wetness in the diaper. Indeed, holding urine or stool for a longer time in diapers can aggravate the problem. Once the skin wrapped under the diaper becomes irritated, germs such as bacteria and yeast have the tendency to infect the skin and exacerbate the rash. There are chances that it may lead to psoriasis too.

Though, diaper rash occurs in newborn kids to children of about 2 years; but, it is more common in toddlers between 9 months to 1 year because of excessive bowel movement. This requires you to contact an experienced pediatric dermatologist, who can suggest ointment, cream, or medication as needed. Barrier creams, one of the most trusted, can shield the diaper area skin by covering the skin surface and providing lipids to get inside the intercellular spaces of the stratum corneum. Well, the application of the cream would prevent exposure to dampness for repairing stratum corneum.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no such evidence that citrus or acidic foods can cause or aggravate diaper rash. Though, a possibility is that new food items may irritate bowel moments in children. So, it is important to give a lesser quantity of new food items to kids

Ideally, a yeast infection is triggered by the bacteria called Candida Albicans. It flourishes in moist, warm, and tightly concealed areas. Also, antibiotics may lead to yeast rash as they kill body’s good bacteria; apart from treating the rashes.

Usually, diaper rashes can be treated within 7 days of taking proper medications as prescribed by a dermatologist

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