One of the worst nightmares for a teenager apart from the ultimate rejection from a crush is to find out that one of those ugly zits popping up every time some important event comes up. Be it a date, a prom, or one’s graduation ceremony, this blitzkrieg attack has to stop. But how do we tackle an enemy that’s an…
Images below are linked to their attachment page Maecenas et molestie nibh. Cras felis leo, tincidunt quis lorem eget, rutrum suscipit quam. Fusce dui mi, malesuada ut ornare non, rhoncus in ipsum. Pellentesque vehicula mauris sed lorem sollicitudin, vitae consequat nisl interdum. Duis lacinia felis vel enim iaculis, quis congue eros sodales. Proin sed eros sit amet orci laoreet vulputate.…