Bacterial Infection

Indicated as harmful production of bacterial strain in or on the body, this infection tends to infect any part of your body. Inflammation, red spots, pneumonia, and food poisoning are some of the diseases occurring because of bacterial infection. Bacteria can be identified in three shapes naming spherical as cocci, rod-shaped as bacilli, and helical as spirilla. When it comes to the matter of classifying the type of bacterial infection, bacterial culture with antibiotic sensitivity determination or genetic analysis is conducted to specify the required treatment procedure. This helps you to stay away from bacterial infections.

Talking about the treatment, such infections are handled with topical antibiotics in liaison with oral antibiotics. The topical ones are applied directly over the skin. It is important to know that if bacteria are resistant to a particular treatment; you should always go for intravenous antibiotic injections given in the hospital. A good thing about the treatment is that symptoms of the infection start improving within 2 or 3 days. On coming across the severity of the infection, it is recommended to contact a doctor for further treatment of the problem.

Frequently Asked Questions

It is all about the growth of bacteria, even after the dose of antibiotics given to suppress its expansion. A bacterium becomes resistant because the concentration of antibiotic is 4 times higher than the normal dose and survives.

The reason is that antibiotics are manufactured to target the functional aspect of the bacterial cell. On the other hand, viruses are not related to bacteria; that’s why antibiotics do not work on them.

Bacteria are a simple organism that can be present within the entire environment comprising other living organisms. In terms of identification, they can be seen in the shape of the sphere or rod, measuring several micrometers.

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