
As an autoimmune disease, pemphigus is defined as a medical condition where cells guarding your body against infections tend to attack because normal tissues are mistaken as infection-causing agents. This tends to generate painful scaly areas on the skin and even mucous membranes that might not heal easily. In terms of identifying the pemphigus, they are of 2 types. Out of these, one may affect only the skin; while, the other can affect the mucous membranes of the mouth as well as the skin too. In various cases, the disease grows automatically. But, there are specified medications that may lead to the cause of pemphigus. The age category that gets affected by pemphigus ranges from 40 to 60 years of age.

There is a variety pemphigus where blisters can occur inside the mouth, on the eyes, nose, throat, and even genitals. When they break open, you tend to get painful sores. Without treatment, the pemphigus can spread to other parts of the body, and lead to a higher risk of infection. Though, pemphigus is not a life threatening disease; it turns out to be a lifelong problem that is dealt with on-going medical treatment procedures. In this condition, contacting your dermatologist is must as such sores can be really painful, and hamper your daily life schedules. It is important to get proper treatment and regular medical check-ups.


Frequently Asked Questions

Currently, there is no specified treatment available for pemphigus. Though, the symptoms can be controlled extensively with the help of medications and therapies

With general treatment of symptoms, lesions may heal without skin damaging. Also, the hyperpigmentation related to pemphigus gets resolved after several months.

Development of blisters on a specified area of the skin for years is a prominent sign of pemphigus. These blisters may appear on face, scalp, arms, mouth, nails and various other parts of the body

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