Dirty Neck(AN)

Dirty neck or black neck is a dermal problem, which is defined as a disorder where the skin of your neck is glaringly darker than the other skin.  This kind of color alteration might be an alarming situation and may even hamper self-confidence. Nevertheless, in numerous cases, it is not a source of anxiety; nor is it transmissible. In certain cases, this darkening of skin might be a cautionary sign and a doctor’s s opinion should be taken. There are chances that the problem of a dirty neck might spread to other areas such as armpits. On getting affected with a dirty neck, you might have thickened skin layer and excessive itchiness over the area.

The skin is prone to darkening because of excessive sun exposure, hormonal changes, and various skin-related conditions. Some of the causes might include building-up of dead skin cells or accumulation of bacteria on the surface of the neck. In fact, diabetic patients or obese people run the risk of getting dirty neck skin problem more than others. When it comes to the matter of diagnosing black neck, conducting blood tests and taking skin samples for biopsy is the procedure done by a dermatologist. In this regard, some of the treatment options available are use of anti-fungal ointments, anti-fungal medications, skin lightening creams, controlling blood sugar levels, hyperpigmentation, and laser therapies.


Frequently Asked Questions

The dermatologist will ideally inspect the neck and may refer blood tests or a skin sample like biopsy for detailed analysis.

Depending on the condition, the treatment might include oral anti-fungal medicines, skin lightening creams, maintaining blood sugar levels, and even laser therapies on need.

Certainly, the person having a dark neck might feel awkward in communicating with his or her associates. He or she might also stay away from social gatherings, and cover their neck with scarfs or anything.

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