Sun Allergies

It is widely known that harmful sun rays tend to pave the way for numerous sun allergies. Also called as a type of sun allergy, solar urticaria is a sporadic dermatological illness. If you have this kind of condition; then, you might develop an itchy and red rash on getting exposed to the sun. On being left untreated, solar urticaria tends to cause agony, pain, and embarrassment. Well, solar urticaria is unlike heat rash that develops because of humidity. Solar urticaria is a definite response to the ultraviolet rays (UV), rather than responding to overall heat. The solar urticarial rash tends to arise on the skin that is seldom covered. It can also happen to you through your clothing if the fabric is thin.

Some of you might have a hereditary form of sun allergy; while others might get allergies due to sun exposure. Considering the treatment process, numerous types of mild cases might get cleared up without any specific treatment. On the other side, severe cases require treatments supported by steroid creams and pills. It is quite certain that people prone to severe sun allergies should take preventive measures and wear sun-protective clothes. Indeed, symptoms of sun allergy include itchiness, pain, redness, scaling, blisters, hives, or even bleeding from them.


Frequently Asked Questions

A scratchyor burning rash develops within a few hours after sun exposure or up to 2 or 3 days. Further, it might last up to 2 weeks. So, it is always better to contact a dermatologist.

When you go out in the sun, it is important to use sunscreen lotion with UV protection. Even if you get sun allergy, contacting a dermatologist is the right decision.

Yes, the treatments are extremely safe; if taken from an experienced dermatologist for sure.

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