Skin Cancers

Stated primarily as the abnormal growth of skin cells, Skin cancer gets developed on the skin that has been exposed to the sun. But, this does not mean that such cancer cannot occur in the areas hidden from sun exposure. Taking note of the classification on skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma are the ones to be classified. The risk of skin cancer can be reduced by restraining or averting exposure to ultraviolet rays. It should be noted that checking your skin for doubtful changes can aid in detecting skin cancer at an early stage. This will help you in fighting with cancer and have a successful skin cancer treatment.

Skin cancer grows mainly on areas of skin exposed to sun that may include the scalp, lips, face, ears, neck, arms, chest, hands, and on the legs. But, this cancer can occur in other areas such as palms, underneath fingernails or toenails, and even the genital area. Skin cancer tends to affect the people of all skin qualities, even the ones having dark complexions. When melanoma happens in people with a dark complexion, it is more likely to appear in areas not usually bared to the sun like palms of the hands as well as soles of the feet.


Frequently Asked Questions

Though, not all cancers; but, melanoma surely spreads very quickly. It can become life-threatening within 6 weeks and may spread to other parts of the body without treatment. So, it is necessary to contact your doctor on getting melanoma on an immediate basis.

Certainly, the death rate of melanoma (skin cancer) may rise as you reach later stages. It is a curable disease if melanoma is caught in its early stage only as it spreads faster.

Yes, there is surely a need for chemotherapy in skin cancer. But, this one is identified as Topical Chemotherapy that allows applying specialized chemo cream directly over the skin.

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