
Skin tanning is quite a common problem, which can be seen in many people because of extensive exposure to sun. When your skin is exposed to UV rays, the body produces more melanin for protecting further skin damages. This development of extra melanin leads to suntanned skin, which lends a darker appeal. The soreness in sunburn is triggered by increased blood flow to the damaged skin area. If you tan recurrently or have a history of extensive sunburns; there are chances that you may get melanoma. It stands as the most precarious type of skin cancer. In such a condition, contacting your dermatologist is extremely important to avoid any further health complications.

When you come across skin tan, it is important to contact dermatologist as they tend to recommend anti-tan treatment. With the ability to customized solutions, the dermatologist will analyze the severity of your skin tanning and suggest treatment in accordance with the problem. These treatments may include chemical peels, topical medications, microdermabrasion, and laser toning treatments. Further to this, you will be getting post-treatment consultation from the dermatologist for excellent results. The dermal procedures are directed towards effectively restoring your natural skin tone. It is important to treat skin tanning on immediate basis to avoid skin damage, untimely aging, skin cancers, and even negative effect on your immune system

Frequently Asked Questions

A skin tan is never stable because skin automatically exfoliates itself later. This enables the tanned skin to chip off.

If your tanned skin is causing excessive itching, pain or transforming into cancerous issue; there is a need to visit your dermatologist.

Not all types of skin tanning are dangerous. All you have to do is protect it from excessive exposure to sun; otherwise, it might transform into melanoma (skin cancer).

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